Haiti Made

Selected samples of my work with Haiti Made. Working at Haiti Made is a real privilege after having first visited the island nation in 2012. During my first trip to Haiti, I snapped a grainy photo (below) of a Haitian fishing boat in Jacmel, which said in French “Il Faut Travailler Pour Vivre” (You have to work to live). It’s a saying that encapsulates a country full of hardworking artisans and craftsmen who are extremely confident and creative with their hands. The handmade artisan goods produced at Haiti Made are a testament to this.

My work at Haiti Made is some of my proudest work in my career. Helping spark 100% YOY total revenue growth in 2017 which translated into the creation of 45+ new jobs at Haiti Made’s workshop in Grand-Goâve was a truly special achievement. Especially knowing that just one well-paying, living-wage job (like those at Haiti Made) often supports up to ten others in a Haitian community like Grand-Goâve. Glwa Pou Bondye! (To God be the glory)

You can shop and support Haiti Made at www.haitimade.com

Additionally, to purchase select physical prints, wall art, or other artwork featuring my photographic work with Haiti Made, please visit my Society6 artwork shop at: www.society6.com/nathanpiper